Monday, August 24, 2009

2 months old!

We can't believe that Cameron is 2 months old this week! He is doing great and growing big and strong! I weighed him on the scale yesterday and I think he is weighing in at 14 1/2 pounds now...although we will confirm this at this 2 month Dr's appointment on Friday. He is wearing his 3-6 month clothes now! He is smiling, rolling over, and even had his first road trip to San Antonio last week. Here are some snap shots from the last 2 months. Enjoy!

Daddy and Cameron wearing matching Polo's!

Daddy giving Cameron a bottle.

Not to be forgotten...our dog Bailey!

This is Cameron at 1 month old (weighing in at 10 1/2 pounds)

Bib from Uncle Lee and Aunt Andrea...they seem to forget that Mommy is also part Longhorn.

He looks a little scared of the butterfly toy...but he really loves it!

All ready to go in his car seat!